Looking for auto insurance quotes online has become a usual practice for millions of car owners. People appreciate the convenience of doing their shopping on the web and tend to believe that this gives them lower rates. Usually, this is corrects but not because you're getting your quotes online. The Internet gives far more possibilities in terms of comparison shopping and it's much easier to compare auto insurance quotes effectively. This usually leads to more competitive offers and more affordable policies. But sometimes it's just not enough to optimize auto insurance costs. That's exactly when you need to start looking for discounts.
Discounts are an effective method for keeping loyal customers and attracting new ones. However, some insurers tend to not disclose much information on this subject unless they really want to grab your attention. That's why you should always ask around about discounts when quoting with a new company. Chances are high that you'll stumble upon some really nice auto insurance discounts, which are common among the majority of insurers. Here are just a few discount types you will likely find with most insurers:
Low mileage
The risk of having an accident is proportional to the average distance a driver travels during the year. And this is especially true for areas with heavy traffic. So if you tend to drive less than average (about 10,000 miles per year) you will typically qualify for a low mileage discount and get more competitive auto insurance quotes.
Multiple car
Insuring multiple cars can cost you a lot unless you cover them with a single policy. Insurers prefer covering several cars at once because the risk of an insurance situation in such case is lower and there's less paperwork to do.
Multiple policy
Major insurance companies tend to provide a wide range of services, including auto, health, home, life and other types of insurance. And if you buy several products from the same provider you will usually get nice discounts. So make sure to check whether your health or home insurer provides auto insurance quotes as well.
Good student
High school and college students usually get the highest auto insurance quotes because they are classified as high risk drivers. But if you're doing well with your grades and can provide a copy of your grade report, there are nice discounts available for you as well.
Senior driver
Drivers aged over 65 also tend to get high auto insurance quotes because they tend to produce more accidents. But the majority of insurance companies offer special discounts to this group of drivers to lower the financial impact of costly policies for them.